Well, well, well...
I guess I finally have a blog. It took some consistent persuading and harassing from my buddies Calvin, Zarni and Kok to actually get this blog going. Thanks, guys!
Many thanks to to Honey Ahmad for actually giving me the final push to get this thing started!
Above all, thanks to my lovely wife who supports whatever it is I do, I love you babe!
I spent some time zoning in on the topic of my blog, and I picked a topic close to my heart.. close to my stomach is more like it.
I've always loved Kuantan for the multitude of food choices available here. I love food, so a place with so much food choices becomes a natural choice for home.
Well, so much for an introduction. I shall begin my quest to bring out the gems of Kuantan eating places soon, tomorrow I hope. Let the adventures begin, I alway say. Till then, adios!
Note: This is a photo of me (left) and Dadang (right), our tour guide on our trip to Bandung. This dude definitely knows some good eating places there!
Brilliance idea !
I never think of this before. Hope this blog can help those who are searching the best place to eat.
By the way Kuantan is a nice place to visit!
Brilliance idea !
I never think of this before. Hope this blog can help those who are searching the best place to eat.
By the way Kuantan is a nice place to visit!
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